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Dan Mask from Côte d’Ivoire as a home decor idea on a standDan Mask from Côte d’Ivoire as a home decor idea on a stand skewed to the right
Dan Mask, Côte d’Ivoire Discounted price$2,500.00
Bamum Brass Bell from Cameroon as a home decor idea standing on a tableBamum Brass Bell from Cameroon as a home decor idea standing on a table with a close up skewed to the left
Bamum Brass Bell, Cameroon Discounted price$2,500.00
SOLDAfrican Heritage Crafts, Traditional African Dolls, African Handicraft, African Art Collectibles, Cameroon Art, Antique African art, African home decor, African design pieces, African art for sale, Traditional African art, African-inspired home decor, Tribal art for sale, Vintage African art, African art and craft, Handmade African decor, African textiles, African furniture, African pottery, African masks, African sculptures, Vintage Art, home decor, African artwork,  home art.African Heritage Crafts, Traditional African Dolls, African Handicraft, African Art Collectibles, Cameroon Art, Antique African art, African home decor, African design pieces, African art for sale, Traditional African art, African-inspired home decor, Tribal art for sale, Vintage African art, African art and craft, Handmade African decor, African textiles, African furniture, African pottery, African masks, African sculptures, Vintage Art, home decor, African artwork,  home art.
Ekoi Headdress, Nigeria Discounted price$1,500.00
Bozo Puppet Mask from Mali on a stand as a home decor idea skewed to the left Bozo Puppet Mask from Mali on a stand as a home decor idea showing front side
Bozo Puppet Mask, Mali Discounted price$3,500.00
SOLDBamileke Beaded Elephant Kuosi Mask from Cameroon on a stand showing front side Bamileke Beaded Elephant Kuosi Mask from Cameroon on a stand with a close up
Ekoi Headdress, Nigeria an authentic ceremonial art from Africa on a tableEkoi Headdress, Nigeria an authentic ceremonial art from Africa on a table skewed to the right
Ekoi Headdress, Nigeria Discounted price$750.00
Vintage African art for saleVintage African art for sale
Kete Ndop Figure, D.R.Congo Discounted price$800.00
authentic vintage African artauthentic vintage African art
Kuyu Headdress, D.R. Congo Discounted price$750.00
Kuba Binji Helmet Mask from D.R. Congo on a stand acting as a home decorationKuba Binji Helmet Mask from D.R. Congo on a stand showing front side
Kuba Binji Helmet Mask, D.R. Congo Discounted price$950.00
SOLDBamum Helmet Mask from Cameroon frontBamum Helmet Mask from Cameroon left side
Bamum Helmet Mask, Cameroon Discounted price$1,800.00
Yoruba Gelede Mask from Nigeria on a stand skewed to the rightYoruba Gelede Mask from Nigeria on a stand in front
Yoruba Gelede Mask, Nigeria Discounted price$2,000.00
SOLDBamum Helmet Mask from Cameroon as a home decor idea frontBamum Helmet Mask from Cameroon as a home decor idea outside
Bamum Helmet Mask, Cameroon Discounted price$5,000.00
Baule antique tribal art AfricaBaule antique tribal art Africa
Baule Portrait Mask, Ivory Coast Discounted price$1,800.00
Eket Mask, Cameroon small authentic African maskEket Mask, Cameroon small authentic African mask on a stand
Eket Mask, Cameroon Discounted price$2,500.00
Guru Mask with Primate from Côte d'Ivoire showing left side Guru Mask with Primate from Côte d'Ivoire on a stand
Guru Mask with Primate, Côte d'Ivoire Discounted price$1,200.00
Night Society Bamaleki Mask from Cameroon leftNight Society Bamaleki Mask, Cameroon front
Night Society Bamaleki Mask, Cameroon Discounted price$2,500.00
Ibibio Mask from Nigeria skewed Ibibio Mask from Nigeria on a stand
Ibibio Mask, Nigeria Discounted price$1,200.00
Kuba Helmet Mask, D.R. Congo as an African artKuba Helmet Mask, D.R. Congo as an African art outside
Kuba Helmet Mask, D.R. Congo Discounted price$3,500.00
Dan Bird Mano Mask, Liberia/ Ivory Coast as a traditional African artDan Bird Mano Mask, Liberia/ Ivory Coast as a traditional African art front
realistic authentic tribal African artrealistic authentic tribal African art
Makonde Lipiko Mask, Tanzania Discounted price$3,500.00
Bamum Mask in front
Bamum Mask, Cameroon Discounted price$2,500.00
SOLDYoruba Head Piece, NigeriaYoruba Head Piece, Nigeria
Yoruba Head Piece, Nigeria Discounted price$1,200.00
painted antique mask painted antique mask
Ibibio Mask, Nigeria Discounted price$1,200.00
Dan Bird MaskDan bird mask
Dan Bird Mask, Liberia Discounted price$2,500.00