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SOLDBlack Art Stone Sculpture from AfricaTwo people carved in black stone
"Twin Harmony" Sculpture Discounted price$325.00
Save 50%Certificate of Authenticity, figurative sculpture, human form, Shona Stone Sculpture, Serpentine African Art, Contemporary African Artwork, Stone Sculpture, African Sculpture Online Sale, African Art for Home Decor, buy African art, modern African artCertificate of Authenticity, figurative sculpture, human form, Shona Stone Sculpture, Serpentine African Art, Contemporary African Artwork, Stone Sculpture, African Sculpture Online Sale, African Art for Home Decor, buy African art, modern African art
"Lean" Sculpture by Bywell Sango Discounted price$400.00 Regular price$800.00
woman with wide hips sculptureshiny black stone carving
black stone sculpture of a womanblack statue of a female
Statue of a 4 person familyfour people hugging sculpture
brown and gold hand carved stone piece3 people hugging in Africa art
SOLDtwo woman carved in stone dancingrock art of girls hugging
art sculpture of a woman holding a plantsculpture of a woman with nature
brown stone statue of three peoplefinely carved african sculpture for sale
mother and son dancing sculpture
dancing sculpture from Africa
carving of an old tribal leader in africacarving of an old tribal leader in africa
"Madala" Sculpture of a Man Discounted price$750.00
sculpture of a woman in rockcarved stone black and white woman
picasso style African art sculpturemodern faces mother and child statue
sculpture of an old manelder African man statue
"Elder" Sculpture of a Man Discounted price$900.00
art for bedroom green sculpture for living room
"Wisdom" Sculpture of a Woman Discounted price$1,200.00
Sculpture art, stone sculpture, sculptures for sale, African statues, African sculptures, outdoor sculpture, statues for sale, outdoor statues, black sculpture, modern sculpture, elephant statue, large sculptures, marble sculpture, stone statues, hand sculpture, marble statues, cat statues, stone carving, marble bustSculpture art, stone sculpture, sculptures for sale, African statues, African sculptures, outdoor sculpture, statues for sale, outdoor statues, black sculpture, modern sculpture, elephant statue, large sculptures, marble sculpture, stone statues, hand sculpture, marble statues, cat statues, stone carving, marble bust
"Mirthful" Sculpture by Tafunga Bonjisi Discounted price$1,500.00
statue of a woman dancingAfrican woman dancing
"Her Dance" Sculpture of a Woman Discounted price$1,800.00
Certificate of Authenticity, figurative sculpture, human form, Shona Stone Sculpture, Serpentine African Art, Contemporary African Artwork, Stone Sculpture, African Sculpture Online Sale, African Art for Home Decor, buy African art, modern African artCertificate of Authenticity, figurative sculpture, human form, Shona Stone Sculpture, Serpentine African Art, Contemporary African Artwork, Stone Sculpture, African Sculpture Online Sale, African Art for Home Decor, buy African art, modern African art
"Seer" Sculpture by Bywell Sango Discounted price$2,000.00
pink sculpture of a womanrose quartz healing crystals for sale
pink sculpture of a womanrose quartz used for healing for sale
"Contour" Sculpture by Witness Bonjisi Discounted price$2,000.00
white stone statue of a womanfemale figure made of carved white stone
"Simplicity" Sculpture Discounted price$2,100.00
"Deep In Memory" by Lovemore Bonjisi as a beautiful African sculpture of a woman"Deep In Memory" by Lovemore Bonjisi as a beautiful African sculpture of a woman
"Deep In Memory" by Lovemore Bonjisi Discounted price$3,200.00
SOLDunique Figural sculpture unique Figural sculpture
Contemporary modern African artContemporary modern African art
"Engagement" Sculpture Discounted price$3,500.00
Certificate of Authenticity, figurative sculpture, human form, Shona Stone Sculpture, Serpentine African Art, Contemporary African Artwork, Stone Sculpture, African Sculpture Online Sale, African Art for Home Decor, buy African art, modern African artCertificate of Authenticity, figurative sculpture, human form, Shona Stone Sculpture, Serpentine African Art, Contemporary African Artwork, Stone Sculpture, African Sculpture Online Sale, African Art for Home Decor, buy African art, modern African art
Sculpture of a green abstract womangreen stone carving of a woman
Save 33%Contemporary modern African artfine sculpture in black stone from Zimbabwe
Springstone Torso Sculpture by Douglas Goshami Discounted price$5,000.00 Regular price$7,500.00
white stone sculpture of a womantextured stone carving of a woman with big hair
"Horizon" Sculpture Discounted price$5,000.00
Purple Stone Sculpture of a Woman Titled "Windswept" by Lovemore BonjisiPurple Stone Sculpture of a Woman Titled "Windswept" by Lovemore Bonjisi detail of stone carving
Certificate of Authenticity, figurative sculpture, human form, Shona Stone Sculpture, Serpentine African Art, Contemporary African Artwork, Stone Sculpture, African Sculpture Online Sale, African Art for Home Decor, buy African art, modern African artCertificate of Authenticity, figurative sculpture, human form, Shona Stone Sculpture, Serpentine African Art, Contemporary African Artwork, Stone Sculpture, African Sculpture Online Sale, African Art for Home Decor, buy African art, modern African art
"Mirror" Sculpture by Bywell Sango Discounted price$6,000.00
tall thin African sculpturemodern sculpture of two people hugging from Zimbabwe
"Lines of Connection" Tall Sculpture Discounted price$7,500.00
white stone large sculpture female statuecontemporary African Art
"Silent Strength" Sculpture Discounted price$8,000.00
large outdoor garden artart like Picasso from Africa
very large sculpture of a womangreen marble sculpture
Red Jasper Torso SculptureRed Jasper Torso Sculpture
Red Jasper Torso Sculpture Discounted price$15,000.00
Sculpture art, stone sculpture, sculptures for sale, African statues, African sculptures, outdoor sculpture, statues for sale, outdoor statues, black sculpture, modern sculpture, elephant statue, large sculptures, marble sculpture, stone statues, hand sculpture, marble statues, cat statues, stone carving, marble bustSculpture art, stone sculpture, sculptures for sale, African statues, African sculptures, outdoor sculpture, statues for sale, outdoor statues, black sculpture, modern sculpture, elephant statue, large sculptures, marble sculpture, stone statues, hand sculpture, marble statues, cat statues, stone carving, marble bust
"Lovers" Sculpture by Bywell Sango Discounted price$15,000.00